24 May 2010

Week 3: The Importance of Being Prepared

So, although I didn't keep track of week 2's breakfasts with blog posts, I did have a great week of eating interesting and delicious vegan foods. I think I started detoxing and was pretty tired last week, and my mind was really foggy, which is probably the reason why I didn't manage to blog every morning! Anyway, I will be better this week, because I really thinking the blog has helped me to stay on track. All of that aside, I ended up having a bunch of foods yesterday that normally would have been treats to me - hot chocolate (nonvegan), tea sandwiches with cream cheese, maracoons and pizza with cheese and sausage. I felt a little like indulging in what I thought would be yummy stuff (even though I knew they were not "kind" foods), but I ended up feeling so sick by the end of the night... bloated (I never used to feel like this!), heartburn-y, and head-achey. Ugh! So, that sure showed me - after nearly 2 weeks of eating great yummy healthy foods, my body totally rejected this gross stuff I put into it, and I won't soon do that again.

Next time, I think it would be helpful to keep sweets somewhat on hand to indulge without totally giving in to the crap, and also to bring food to parties to share and to make sure I eat how I want to eat. (Yesterday, at a Lost viewing party, I brought Malibu Monkey lemonade and macaroons from Chocolate Box Cafe.... sooo good, but I should have brought something more substantive for myself).

I think I also have to be wary of eating anything with white or cane sugar.... I'm such a sugar addict! I need to try out some of the brown rice syrup recipes so I can have some sweets without totally going on a sugar meltdown.


  1. Have you tried this recipe:


    It's yummy without the chicken!

  2. Ooh, that sounds really good - thanks for sharing! I really love bok choy and seasame seed oil now.... this sounds right up my alley.


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